• Admin, Author at Aliso Air

Should I Invest in a High-Efficiency Air Conditioner?

With summertime just around the corner, an effective air-conditioning strategy starts to become a priority, and with good reason. A home without effective climate control can be stifling, frustrating, and in some cases even dangerous. Some regions of the country experience heat waves with temperatures creeping into the triple digits. While it is ultimately important […]

The Value of HVAC Maintenance

Like a car or any advanced piece of machinery, your heating and air-conditioning equipment is complex, with an array of parts and pieces that all need to work together in unison for the entire machine to function properly. Also like a vehicle, gas furnaces and air conditioners need to be checked for general wear and […]

What Can Programmable Thermostats Do for You?

  Long gone are the days of adjusting the temperature of your home or office by spinning a rickety dial on your ancient regulator. With Wi-Fi ready, programmable thermostats, your climate control system is not only versatile, but also interactive and intelligent. As part of a larger automation strategy, programmable thermostats offer you a greater […]

Advantages of a Maintenance Agreement

You may have read or even heard people telling you that a HVAC maintenance agreement is beneficial. Sometimes, the HVAC technicians who visit your home may suggest you to consider looking into entering a maintenance agreement with the company. If so, you are probably wondering what the advantages of a maintenance agreement are. Should I […]

The Basics Of Furnaces

This year, we seem to be looking at a wild winter. To keep ourselves warm, we need furnaces that generate heat. The furnace works by blowing hot air across the house through ducts. In the room, the ducts end at a grill or an air register through which the heated air is blown into the […]

Choosing the Right Air Filter for Your Home

At one point or another in our life we are sure to experience the confusion associated with the buying the right air filter for our homes. Finding the best among several brands and sizes can be a challenging task. Also, you may wonder whether a particular brand of home air filter is worth a big […]

Common Myths On Air Conditioners

Rumors have a nasty habit of spreading fast. With the Internet, this has become even more prevalent. In the HVAC industry, unfortunately, we have a large number of ‘experts’ who give their opinions online on many things. But let’s take a closer look at some of these myths. A New Energy Efficient Air Conditioner is […]