5 Ways To Cut Your Cooling Costs This Summer

Digital concept of saving with money symbol in light bulb isolated on white.
Digital concept of saving with money symbol in light bulb isolated on white.

All of us are always looking for ways of staying comfortable in summer without running up high utility bills. Here are a few simple steps you can follow to help in your quest for lower utility bills.

AC Maintenance

Always ensure your AC is maintained well. Call your trusted service company to come and inspect the unit thoroughly before summer sets in. In addition to cleaning the filters, he will look for issues in the unit and fix anything that may lead to a problem down the road. Even if you don’t have a maintenance plan and pay for the visit, this will go a long way in keeping your energy bills down. Remember, there is nothing better than a well maintained AC/HVAC unit to cut your cooling costs.

Set Your Thermostat Prudently

When we return from office or from a jog, we usually need a cool room to relax and recoup our energy. What most of us do is to set the room’s thermostat at a very low level. When the difference between the outside temperature and the temperature we set is too high, we are forcing the AC to work more to reach the low temperature inside. It is a known fact that each 1 degree can cut your AC costs by 1%. One of the best ways of doing this is to use a programmable thermostat.

Use Fans

If you raise your thermostat setting by fours degrees and use a fan, you will get the same level of comfort. The Energy Department has a set of recommendations for using fans. Read them, understand them, and use them to your advantage.

Use Shades and Windows

Use dark shades to keep the heat out. If you have large glass panes on your window, install tinted or low-e window films on them. They are easy to install and can cut up to 10% on your energy bills. Keep your windows as closed as possible. A closed window can keep out moisture and help in reducing cooling costs. If you have a very sunny window, use a solar shade. Solar shades keep out UV rays, cut glare, and reduce heat gain by up to 75% inside the room.

Grow More Trees and Plants

Though this is long term, having good foliage around your home has a positive effect on your cooling costs. Thick foliage around the house cools the immediate surroundings and your AC has to work that much less. Growing plants also increases the creation of oxygen and this has a positive effect on your health. Look for tall trees if you have a two story house. Use thick shrubs near your windows to help keep the heat off.

These are just some of the many ways you can cut your cooling costs. Call Aliso Air today for professional advice on cooling costs and understand how to manage them well.

Spring Chores

Aliso Air

When winter ends and before summer starts is the best time to take care a number of things in and around your home. Let us look at the minimal tasks you have to do to maintain your home and get your HVAC ready for summer and enjoy a cool and comfortable summer.

Clean Your Gutters

The combination of leaves and a lot of other dirt will have settled comfortably in your gutters. Clear all that. Hose them down if needed. Look at the bottom of your downspouts. Remove stones and other granules that could be stuck there. Use a power washer to clean downspouts and gooseneck bends.

Trim Overgrowth

Walk around your home and look for branches that are touching your house or even peeking in. Use a simple saw or a sharp knife to trim these branches. Generally it is good idea to ensure branches are at least 5 feet away from your house. If they touch your house, branches could transfer moisture and allow small ants and rodents to come into your house. Don’t give these critters a chance to come into your home.

Always use clean cutters and trimmers. After you have completed the trimming exercise, clean the blades before putting them back.

Check Your Compressor

If your HVAC or AC compressor is outside, it is time to give it a thorough inspection. As the first step, power-off the compressor. If possible remove the plug from the wall socket. If you cannot find a switch box near the compressor, locate the circuit breaker that controls power to the compressor and switch that off.

As a second step, remove the debris around the compressor. Trim grass, bushes, and weeds to at least 2 feet away. Ensure the area around the compressor is clean. Remove the outer cover of the compressor. If your compressor has multiple panels on the side, remove all of them and set them aside. Using a combination of brushes and air blowers, clean the inside.

Remember to be careful not to touch the fan. Now, clean the blades of the fan with a soft cloth and using a mild cleaning agent. Gently rotate the fan and see if it is making any noise. If so, lubricate the rotor carefully.

Take the outer cover and wash them thoroughly using mild water pressure. If needed, using a mild detergent, clean with a soft brush and wash away the grime. Let the fins dry, and then reassemble the unit.
This simple task will help you use the HVAC or AC through summer without any issues.

Flex your muscles and your DIY attitude this Spring. Go out and do these minimal cleaning tasks. Of course, of the compressor or any other HVAC items looks difficult, always call a professional service technician from Aliso Air. He will come with the knowledge, tools and parts needed for a thorough job.

When is it Time to Replace my Furnace?

furnace replacement

Our technicians at Aliso Air have years of knowledge and experience in the HVAC industry. We cover a wide variety of unit types including furnace systems. We can provide several service options to keep your unit in top running condition including maintenance and repair options. Many home owners have a furnace system that is old and not in the best condition. Our technicians are asked on a regular basis as to if they should replace a unit based on certain factors. There are factors to consider that can help you with this decision. Check out our furnace replacement checklist below!

Is your Furnace Over 13 Years Old?

To get started, consider the age of your furnace system. If your unit is older than 13 years, it is time to consider a new system. A unit that is 13 years old or more will be less energy efficient and have to work harder to operate. When the unit works harder, you pay more for the energy used. When you replace an older unit with a new system, you will spend less on your monthly utility bill and use less energy in the process. We can help you with an evaluation of your unit to determine if a new system will be beneficial.

Does Your Furnace Need Constant Repairs?

Consider the amount of time that is used to repair your unit. Are you calling us for service every year or a few times a year? If so, the system should be replaced. You will save more money in the long run by not calling for repair service on a constant basis. You will be able to invest in a new unit that will provide quality heating in the home.

Are You Staying Warm in Your Home?

Think about the warmth level of your home. Are you constantly adjusting the thermostat to bring more heat into the home? Do you feel that some rooms are colder than others? If so, you may want to consider a new install. A new unit could have new duct work installed that will offer you better heating value in the home. With a new unit, quality duct work with proper insulation as well as an energy efficient unit will provide your home with the best heating for you and your family.

How High is Your Heating Bill?

Many home owners that we assist during the winter months want to know how to lower their heating bill. Because temperatures can drop pretty low, homeowners require premium heating. The unit may run for hours on end to keep the home warm. Take a look at your heating bill. Do you feel you are spending more than you did just a few years ago? If so, it may be time to upgrade.

Consider how you could install a new unit and save on heating the home. With a new unit, you could upgrade the AFUE rating to have better value plus a higher energy efficiency rating. You will spend less on heating the home and use less energy in the process.

Consider all these factors and how they apply to your furnace system. If you find that you meet several of the criteria, you should consider a new unit install. We are happy to help you with a full inspection of your current furnace and how a new unit might be of benefit. Contact our office today to learn more about our furnace services and what we can provide you. Our technicians are standing by and ready to help you with your heating comfort needs.

4 Things to Check before Installing a New, High Efficient Heating System


So you want to upgrade your heating unit? Once the decision is made, you will soon be able to enjoy new, better energy efficiency that the latest technology can provide. But before you take the plunge with a new HVAC purchase, our technicians at Aliso Air have a little advice for you. Our technicians know that there are certain aspects that must be considered before you install a new unit. You want to be sure that your home is ready for a new unit before you make the initial investment. Below are a few items to check before you have a new unit installed.

Air Leakage in Ductwork

If you already have a heating system in the home, you will most likely be upgrading to a similar system. This means if you have ductwork, you will be using ductwork to transfer the heat to each room in the home. The ductwork of the home needs to be checked to ensure that there are no leaks in the home. If you have air leaks, the heat the unit produces will be partially lost. This means your unit will be working harder to reach the set temperature than it should, which can result in repairs or a complete breakdown over time. Our technicians can check your ducting to ensure no repairs are needed or make any changes to seal the ductwork in your home.

Furnace Filter

The filter of your furnace is very important. The filter is part of the energy efficiency of your unit. When the filter starts to restrict the flow of the air to the rooms in the home, the unit must work harder to function. The filter needs to be installed in an area that is easy to reach and should be changed out on a regular basis. You need to be able to easily open and close the filter container and our technicians can help you find the best filter type to provide clean air in the home.

Accessible Heat Exchanger

For most HVAC providers, the heat exchanger is placed in an accessible area for the home owner as well as technician to be able to make any repairs or adjustments. The exchanger looks similar to a radiator found on a vehicle. The unit part has thin fins that are closely mounted that transfer the cool temperature to the passing air. The heat exchanger can easily become clogged and the air will be restricted from passing through. The energy efficiency of the unit is then compromised. The furnace must work harder and for longer to reach the temperature setting.

Whenever you are having a new unit installed, have the remaining components inspected thoroughly. You can have a completely new system installed as well, including ductwork and every component. At Aliso Air, we are ready to assist you with your every need. Contact our office today to find out every service we can offer for your home heating and cooling needs.

Learn more about SEER Ratings

SEER ratingsWhen learning about HVAC systems you have probably seen the term SEER many times but do you really know what it means? At Aliso Air we want to help you better understand what the term SEER means and how it can affect the comfort levels of your home. SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and is an overview of how energy efficient your home’s cooling system is. If you are looking for a new air conditioning system you should look for one that has a high SEER rating for it will be much more energy efficient than a lower rated unit.

How to determine SEER

In order to determine air conditioning systems’ SEER ratings, the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration institute has to look at the cooling output of the air conditioner from a typical cooling season. That number is then divided by the total input of electric energy during the same time frame over the cooling season. The ratio of measurement is the cooling BTU’s to the total amount of energy used in watts. This probably is all sounding confusing but our team of technicians here at Aliso Air have a lot of experience with SEER ratings and can help you determine the SEER rating for your current system as well as the SEER rating for new units.

Do SEER ratings matter?

If you are at all interested in saving money while you cool your home then the SEER ratings do matter. The SEER rating lets you see the cost variations among different air conditioning systems. You will be able to better understand how much money you can save by spending a certain amount of money on a particular unit. An air conditioning unit with a higher SEER rating will come with a higher cost, however you will save more money in the long run. The higher the SEER rating is of the unit you purchase the more money you will save each month.

Extensive Savings

The more energy efficient your unit is the more energy you will be able to save. An example of this can be upgrading your air conditioning unit from a 9 SEER rating to a 14 SEER rating. The consumption of power would be decreased by a minimum of thirty percent, which would equal to at least three hundred dollars in savings each year. The savings add up after just a couple of years so if you are considering a new install we can help you here at Aliso Air. We offer only high rated units with optimal SEER ratings so you will get your money’s worth. We can help you find the perfect air conditioner for your home so that you can have a comfortable climate year round while saving money at the same time.

Additional Terminology To Be Aware Of

Now that you know what SEER stands for it is important that you fully understand what EER stands for. EER stands for Energy Efficiency Ratio. This is a more realistic means of determining your air conditioners energy efficiency in warmer climates. This measurement is a ratio of output cooling in BTUs to the input of the electrical power of watts. SEER ratings will reflect the systems overall efficiency in regards to energy while EER is considering one operation.

If you have any questions about SEER ratings give us a call. We would be more than glad to can answer any questions that you may have. We would also be more than happy to help you find the perfect air conditioner for you home with the best SEER rating at a great price – so don’t hesitate give us a call today!

Maintenance is the Key to Air Conditioning Longevity

Aug 15

An air conditioning system in the home is essential to the comfort of you and your family during the hot summer months. When the temperatures begin to hit the 90s and above, you instantly reach for the thermostat to cool off. An air conditioning system can last for a decade or longer, based on the unit type and if the system is cared for. Many home owners neglect the care of their air conditioner which results in the need for replacement long before the unit should have been changed out.

Our team at Aliso Air is constantly installing new units in homes when the system could have lasted years longer. We provide air conditioner maintenance service to help your system thrive year after year. With our service option, you can avoid air conditioning repair and focus more on tune ups for your system which will help you have a comfortable space for years to come.

If you are a new home owner, or an individual who has never considered AC maintenance, you should consider what we can offer you. Below is a small list of maintenance checks we perform to ensure your system is working properly and that you can rely on the unit to give you cool air when you need it most. Learn how you can extend the life of your cooling system with simple maintenance checks.

Regular Cleaning

With our maintenance service, your cooling system will receive a regular cleaning. Each component of the unit needs to be cleaned to ensure proper function. The outdoor portion especially needs to be cared for to ensure that there is no dirt, grime or debris causing harm to the unit. Leaves are removed and any limbs or landscaping moved away to keep the unit safe from service interruption.

Cleaning will include checking each component for dirt or corrosion and then cleaning each component. You can rest assured that your system will be functioning properly when you have our team of technicians cleaning your system.

Inspection of Components

During regular maintenance, an inspection of the unit components is also included. From wires to fans and belts, each part of the unit is checked to ensure that your system is going to operate properly. You want each component to be observed and inspected as it takes each part for the system to provide cool air in the home.


To create cool air, your system needs a refrigerant chemical. Our technicians will check the refrigerant levels of your unit and provide more if needed. This can also mean that any leaks or issues with the refrigerant lines are checked and changed out if needed.

Finding any repair needs

Since the technician will be inspecting each aspect of your system, potential repair needs can be uncovered. At Aliso Air, we never cut corners and ensure each component of your unit is working properly. If we find problems, we fix them. No matter how small or large. We take care of your unit so you never have to worry about how the system will function.

Once maintenance service is complete, you can rest assured that your system is ready for the summer months. It is recommended that you have your system inspected before summer to ensure no issues before the temperatures are too hot. You can also have your system inspected after summer to ensure the air conditioning system is ready to be shut down for the winter.

Overall, we can provide you with every service you need for a quality HVAC system in your home. Contact us today to learn more about what we can provide for you and your family.

When to Schedule AC Maintenance Service

AC Tune UpOne part of successfully running your AC system each year is knowing when to have AC maintenance performed. You can do it yourself or have one our experienced technicians at Aliso Air come out and take care of your unit for you. Knowing the signs of when you should have someone out is also important to make sure you care for your system properly.

Learn about the maintenance on your AC unit and also when it’s time to call in the professionals to assist you with running efficiently.

Losing Efficiency

Over time your unit will lose its efficiency if not properly maintained. You may notice that it’s not working as well as it once was. The AC unit will lose a percentage of efficiency each year if it’s not getting proper air conditioning maintenance service annually. If you start to notice a rise in your electric bill that is not normal it’s time to call in someone.

Not Cooling

If you start to notice that the system does not seem to be cooling as it was, you need your maintenance performed. At times the systems can start to leak out refrigerant and this will cause your home to be harder to cool. If you have a leak it means you’re cool air is not coming in as it should.

When To Schedule

It is a good idea to schedule your maintenance annually either in spring or fall. That will get your system up and running for the season and ensure you have no problems to worry about. Repairs can pop up at any time and if you’re not taking care of them along the way, you can end up with a high bill.

What Does Maintenance Look Like

A variety of areas of your AC unit are cleaned and inspected during the maintenance. Whether you do it yourself or hire our team, these are the areas that should be checked and taken care of annually.

Coolant Lines

As mentioned before, the coolant lines can have leaks if not maintained. Over time they can also wear so it’s best to have them checked before you need the AC on all the time.


Your outside unit can get debris around it during the fall and even during the summer. Make sure it stays cleaned out around it so there are no problems with the unit itself. Clear out any sticks or leaves that have piled up there. Also make sure when you are cutting grass that you do not aim the lawn mower clippings toward the unit.

Change Filters Out

Another component of the maintenance is to be sure the filter is either cleaned or replaced. This is one of the first lines of defense for your unit and should be routinely cleaned or changed. While this may be one of the easiest tasks to do it is often overlooked when preparing for summer.

Evaporator Coils

These also need to be cleaned and inspected during the maintenance of your unit. You can do these yourself or the technician will do this during the service call.

Whether you’re going to do your AC maintenance on your own or call our office, it should be done on an annual basis. This makes sure your AC unit is ready to face whatever temperatures the summer heat can throw at it. Don’t lose your cool this summer by having to have last minute repairs during peak season. Be sure to call our office at Aliso Air and schedule your air conditioning maintenance service today. You’ll be glad you did when you’re staying cool and comfortable during these hot summer days.

3 Signs Your Old AC Needs Replacing

AC replacementStaying cool in the summer is easy when your AC unit is working as it should. What happens when a repair pops up? Are you ready for it? Here at Aliso Air we work with you to make sure your AC system is running smoothly. When those repairs pop up it may be time to consider a replacement instead of a repair. If you’re unsure whether a cooling system replacement is the way to go, check out these three steps on learning when it’s time to replace instead of repair.

How Many Repairs Have Taken Place?

Sometimes a repair is all that is needed to get you back in working order. Other times there have been so many repairs, it’s just time to consider an air conditioning replacement instead. If you have been repairing the unit more than running it, a new one would be the best route to take. If you’re noticing a trend in more and more repairs that are costing you a pretty penny, AC replacement may be your best bet.

Age of System

Sometimes the age of the system just signals it’s time for the air conditioner to retire. Consider how long the unit has been used for. If you’re noticing the system seems to be struggling to keep up with the workload needed or that you’re just not comfortable in your home, AC replacement is a consideration. Typically you’ll get a good fifteen years out of your unit. Sometimes a little longer but this is generally the life expectancy you can count on for your AC unit.

Energy Efficiency

When you notice your ac system working much harder to keep up with the load, there’s an issue. Your unit will lose efficiency over time and this will cause it to waste energy, raise power bills and your home will not feel comfortable. If you start to notice things like your electric bill rising or that your AC runs longer than normal to cool the home, you may want to call one of the experienced technicians in our office to come check it out.

Replacing The Unit

There are a lot of AC units to choose from for your air conditioning replacement. Our team of highly trained and certified technicians will come out to your home and inspect your current unit and the home itself. They will determine the size of the unit needed to properly cool your home and work with you on what unit is best for you. You can rest easy knowing you’re making an informed decision on this large home purchase. Some units are more efficient than others and even offer tax credits or credits from your utility company. Once you have decided on the right unit for you, the technicians will perform a professional installation and you’ll be back to cooling in no time.

Knowing when it’s time to say goodbye to your current AC unit is never easy to do. It’s a pretty large expense to replace the unit but it must be done to save on future repair costs and large power bills. Talk with our technicians at Aliso Air to see what can be done to efficiently cool your home this summer.

How Can I Reduce my Energy Costs In the Spring?

Orange County HVACIn today’s economy, everything is steadily rising in price, including monthly energy costs. Our employees here at Aliso Air want to help you save money on your monthly energy bill. You should always start saving energy by contacting us to come out and provide an energy assessment. Our employees will be able to tell you exactly where you are using the most energy so that you will be able to decrease some of that energy usage. Learn more about reducing energy costs below.

Use your Windows

During the spring the temperature at night will usually cool off so that gives you the perfect opportunity to turn off your air conditioner and open your windows while you sleep. This will not only save energy, but it will allow your air conditioner to have a break from cooling your home. When you wake up in the morning your home should still be cool because the temperatures outside usually take a little bit to rise so you can shut your windows early and it will trap the cool air inside your home keeping it at a comfortable temperature for most of the day. You can also install window coverings to prevent heat from coming in through your windows so it will greatly improve your energy efficiency.

Know How to Operate your Thermostat

Knowing the correct way to operate your thermostat is imperative when trying to save money on your energy bills. Obviously the smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures the lower your heating and cooling bill will be. You should keep your house at a warmer temperature than you normally would when you are away. There is not really any sense in keeping your house at a comfortable temperature when no one is at home so that is a good opportunity to turn your thermostat up and save energy. Here at Aliso Air we recommend that you install a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat will not only help your HVAC system save energy in the spring, but it will help it be more energy efficient all year long. With a programmable thermostat you have so much more freedom. You can set it to where it will cut off while you are gone during the day and then program it to come back on a few minutes before you will be arriving back home.

Use Fans

Whether you are using an air conditioner, heater, or furnace, turning on your ceiling fan will allow you to raise or lower your thermostat by about four degrees, because it will allow either the hot or cold air to circulate throughout your home not letting it just sit in one place. However if you are using your ceiling fans it is important that you cut them off when you leave the room because that too will use a significant amount of energy. It is also important that when you shower or take a bath that your bathroom is equipped with some type of exhaust fan so that the heat and humidity from your shower can be removed.

Keep your HVAC System Well Maintained

The last step that we suggest you do during the spring to save energy is to keep your HVAC system well maintained. By keeping your system maintained properly it allows it to run much more efficiently. All of our employees here at Aliso Air are trained to specifically maintain HVAC systems so we can help you with all of your HVAC system needs. We hope that we were able to provide you with some ideas that you can do during the springtime to cut down on your energy usage that will begin saving you money in no time.

5 Ways in Which Air Conditioning Water Can Be Recycled

Rancho Santa Margarita AC MaintenanceWhen the summer months arrive, your air conditioning system will be working overtime to provide the essential cooling needed in the home. The summer months are also a time when many areas insist on water conservation to that water usage is cut down to a minimum. This can be hard for many home owners who need to water gardens or need more water than allowed. It is at this time that alternative water sources can be used to provide fresh water. One option is to use the graywater from your AC unit for other water needs around the home. Graywater is water found from machinery of the home and is considered wastewater. You can use the water for your benefit to uphold the water conservation rules of your area.

Condensate from your Air Conditioning System

The air conditioning system will cool the warm air and humidity will form condensation in the unit. The water is normally drained to the sump pump or a drain system. You can produce as much as twenty gallons of water each day when you use your air conditioning system continually. You can capture this water and direct it to a garden or use it where needed. This is a great way to recycle the water from your unit to use in everyday life.

Irrigation System

One form of using the AC unit water is with irrigation. The water can be used to irrigate an outdoor garden or for indoor plants. The water will be clean and clear as it will not contain chlorine or other additives that can harm your plant life. You can place the water in a can for watering, or redirect the water to be used for watering a garden directly.

Cleaning Outdoor Items

Because the water from the air conditioning unit is fresh, you can use it for multiple purposes including cleaning. You can use the water to rinse off windows outdoors or to clean any outdoor patio furniture. You can even collect the water and use it clean your vehicles on a sunny day. Whatever you have outdoors that may be in need of cleaning can be done with the water removed from condensation of your AC system.

Water Features of the Home

Have a small pond or water feature in the outdoor area of your home in need of water? Use the water created from your air conditioning unit to provide fresh water to your water features of the home. The water can be used for marsh plants, fountains, small ponds and more. This easily provides you with a source of water for your outdoor water features.

Benefits of Condensate Water

Because most areas enforce water restrictions during the hotter days of the year, you may find yourself without a water source for your plants or cleaning needs. With condensate water, you will be able to provide the much-needed water to areas of your home without breaking any rules or restrictions. The water can be used for the options above and can help you to have water for additional needs when you need it most.

While this water source will work for your home cleaning and garden needs, the water is not to be consumed. The pH balance of the water source is not viable for drinking. Filtering and treatment would be needed to create fresh water for drinking. Learn more about your air conditioning system and how you can save water from the system for your home. A knowledgeable technician from Aliso Air can help you learn how to use the water safely for your watering needs.